Two Way Hard Three | Las Vegas Casino & Design Blog

April 1, 2008

Las Vegas Sands: What's Going On?

Posted by detroit1051

Two important stories on LVS:

Why would Sheldon Adelson make such public comments about MGM, Pansy Ho and Atlantic City?
Sands Chief Questions MGM Mirage's Motives

What is the real story on CFO Rozek's departure from LVS?
Robert P. Rozek resigned from his position as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Las Vegas Sands Corp


Read archived comments (1 so far)
April 1, 2008 9:47 AM Posted by David McKee

Re Question #1, it seems to make him feel more important. Whatever the case, the answer probably has more to do with psychology than business. As for the other question, Rozek's being given until 5/23, so nothing untoward seems afoot.