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Downtown Grand


Downtown Grand

CIM Group


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Hotel / Casino Ratings & Reviews Downtown Grand
Average Rating 3 Stars

Jane Public on January 17, 2015

Just so you know the valet parking is charging $15 just to park up front. The was a sign that's misleading that had said free. I had a business meeting w/ client staying at this hotel. valet guys were total ass clowns even before exiting my car. If you spend more then $15 in the hotel you can park for free. I just paid after my meeting and didn't leave a tip.
Hotel doesn't have a bad smell. Rooms are well maintained and awesome. I still wouldn't stay for valets crapie Additude

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Restaurant Ratings & Reviews Downtown Grand
The Commissary Mexican $26-$35 Any Attire 5 Stars Read Reviews | Write a Review

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Freedom Beat American $26-$35 Any Attire 0 Stars Read Reviews | Write a Review

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Pizza Rock Pizza $15-$25 Any Attire 4 Stars Read Reviews | Write a Review

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Triple George Grill Steak $26-$35 Any Attire 0 Stars Read Reviews | Write a Review

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